Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day Three

  Yesterday was my second day of the drive, and I enjoyed it thoroughly! I awoke in downtown Columbus and ended the day with my friends A and S at their extremely comfortable and welcoming abode in Davenport, Iowa. S and I went to nursing school together, and she has always been an incredibly thoughtful person. I learned that first in nursing school, near the end of the year, when I had simply lost the ability to care about whether or not a poster presentation on Public Health that was due the next day was finished, or, for that matter, started. S, who I'd known, but not well, called me and announced that she was coming over with glue, letters, markers and ideas, and that I should be ready to finish my poster so we could graduate. We did finish it, amongst giggles and a newly forged friendship that has not weakened with the years (And I got an A. And graduated from nursing school. Thanks, S! :).

The Dog and I rolled up to the C. home in Davenport and were greeted by a smiling S. We lugged in my bag and backpack and I collapsed on their couch in A's "Man Cave." It was lovely. Then I brushed my teeth. Whenever I've been up for a long time, I want nothing so much as to brush the grit and grime off my teeth. It feels better than a shower sometimes, really! Then S and I went to our S-arranged MASSAGES and a lovely woman named Lindsey kneaded out my knots and kinks from the road. I fell asleep, but only drooled a little. :) Afterwards, thoroughly relaxed,  S and A took me out to a really nice Italian restaurant, and we each had great dinners. Then we all went home and went to bed. It was a perfect evening.

 This morning I woke up energized and ready to roll! After saying goodbye, The Dog and I got on the road around 7:30am. (Here come the random thoughts, per My  Consciousness During a Long Drive)::
1. We live in a really LARGE country. And in that country, the Middle Western States (Ohio, Indiana and Iowa) have the nicest and cleanest restrooms. As my aunt Grace says, "I never met a restroom I didn't like!!" Well, me either, and I think that qualifies me to speak on the subject. Every single one I visited in the Mid-West was clean and smelled fresh and had soap AND paper towels, whether a highway rest stop or a gas station. AND Iowa DOT rest stops have free wireless internet! Awesome!!

2. Des Moines, Iowa has the shiniest gold statehouse dome I have ever seen. Sorry, Charleston, WV (which I've also seen), but Des Moines has you hands down.

3. Iowa is such a pretty state, with rolling hills, rivers, creeks, gullies and washes, and so GREEN right now. My dad's family is from Iowa/Nebraska, and my mom is Irish, so the combination of the land that my great-grandmother was raised on and the many shades of green made me love Iowa (that, and the clean restrooms! ;). I think I could tolerate a travel stay in Des Moines. There wouldn't be much hiking, but there would be wonderful running!

4. Game of Thrones is a FABULOUS book to listen to across the country. I'm completely absorbed in the story, and can't wait to finish so I can watch the TV series. It's perfect because I can listen, completely engrossed in a description, and then pull off and walk The Dog and get gas, and then get right back to where I started. It isn't complex enough to require TOO much thought, but is interesting enough that I want to listen. I highly recommend it!

5. My Mom Is Better Than Siri. I initially planned on staying in Sioux Falls, SD today, but it wasn't a far enough drive. My mom called, I told her my quandary and she said she'd find me a place to stay. And isn't this a wonderful world: Kay, in Doha, Qatar, found a hotel for her daughter to stay at in South Dakota, US. And then ALSO explained how said daughter could easily see Mount Rushmore tomorrow. My mom (and the Internet, and the age we live in) is amazing!

6. (and final point for today!) I have wonderful friends and family. I've had some really nice calls, emails and texts from friends and family. Even though it is just physically Kaci and I, by the power of Facebook and my Droid, I feel enveloped in love and support. Thank you all more than I can say!!

7. (I lied about point 6) Kaci and I went through a really magnificent storm just before arriving in Mitchell tonight. I'm reading a book recommended by my cousin Linda called Isaac's Storm about the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and the power of nature. Anyway, as Kaci and I  drive onto Interstate 90, we were met by a wall of black clouds that stretched at least 30 miles parallel to the interstate. I drove on with trepidation. In about 30 minutes, we were enveloped in a driving rain, with pellet sized hail pelting poor little Veronica Fiona, the Honda Fit. The storm was fast moving but lasted for 20 minutes as we drove though it, Kaci taking shelter behind my back (which was both adorable and wierd!).  In the West, you can see the actual front as it moves towards you, and it is impressive and terrifying. I admire the strength of the Native Americans and then settlers who called this land home, and their descendants who live here now. Nature is still something to be respected, and tonight I am in awe of her power.

 So tomorrow, Kaci and I are headed to Mount Rushmore and then to our waypoint of Gillette, Wyoming. The travels and adventure continues! Thanks for being there!


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