Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm here! I made it to Seattle today, and am staying with my friends D and J and their dog, Beauty. Beauty is a sweet little people. She was FIERCE to The Dog. I've never seen The Dog back down from a female dog so quickly or a little puffball of a dog turn into an Alpha female so quickly! They've settled down, now. The Dog stays near to me and Beauty is pouting in the master bedroom.

 The trip to Washington state is at an end. I really enjoyed this trip and have mixed feelings about this portion of the adventure ending. I enjoyed my drive and my stops, I liked seeing the country and admiring its beauty, as well as the feeling of freedom I had while driving with just myself and The Dog.

 But here I am, in Washington, and am so glad to be here, too. I can hardly believe I get to be here for three months. I've dreamed of being back here so long, it doesn't seem real that I'm here.

 After I arrived, I went to pizza with my friend C. at an old haunt on the Ave called Pagliacci's. We walked around the UW neighborhood and talked about how our lives have changed in the last ten years. Life has been so good to me. I'm so lucky to be where I am, and I'm grateful. I'm looking forward to Monday, starting at the new hospital and seeing how I like travel nursing....I'm already dreaming of my next trip....good sign, or a sign I need to live in the present? I'll let time answer that question. :)


  1. And life begins again..... continue to make memories and embrace your dreams. I am so happy for you ...... and your future Good Samaritan patients!

  2. Keep it coming, oh scribe of adventures! I have a vivid picture in my mind of you in a picture: a skinny little girl pulling the boat up on the beach, Grandpa sitting in the "Katie-Did", me knee deep in the bay surf pushing. Who would have guessed at that time where we would end up, eh? I'm reading a screed on my cool e-reader, "You Are Not A Gadget" by Jaron Lanier. He's not a Luddite but asserts we are in danger of de-humanizing fragmentation of the human spirit by our dependence on twitter, facebook, blogs, etc. Your narrative & this use of technology to connect gives me faith he's wrong. Although you might acknowledge this post just so I know it's really you & not an automaton I chatting with. :}

    1. Aw, Mat, it's me! And in my head, part of me is still that skinny little girl in the sand and water of the Bay! I was telling the lady I rent from about hunting for shark's teeth on a hike we did yesterday, but I don't think she understood. :) Hope all is well with you!

  3. Yummm, Pagliacci's!! I told James all about it when we were walking the Ave in December, and how it was your favorite. :)

    1. :) It was so good! Sadly, there are no Pagliacci's in glad I got to go with Cindy! Love you Man!
