Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sheridan, WY! I left Mitchell, SD a bit later than I'd planned, thanks to my travel-induced five minutes I'd lost my hands-free kit, then my phone and finally my sunglasses (VERY necessary in the West- no shade!). Luckily, they were all found (note the passive voice, as if I had nothing to do with this! ;) in the car. Where I'd left them. Sigh.

 Today was a quick trip through South Dakota and Wyoming, punctuated by one really amazing visit to Mount Rushmore. Wow. It is one of the few places that was more impressive in person than on TV. My first view was as my car climbed the mountains en route to the memorial at a curve in the road. I looked up and suddenly saw Mount Rushmore and gasped. I hurried on, took The Dog for a quick walk, and then walked on to the Mount Rushmore Memorial.
  The mountain itself is so big, and the memorial is mostly outdoors, viewing the Mount. The faces are almost unbelievably large and surprising compared with the equally large peaks around them. I took several pictures (see Facebook) and also went to the museum that detailed the creation of Mount Rushmore. Interestingly, the 1:12 scale carving that Gutzom Borglum, the creator and artist, first built took FOURTEEN YEARS to do, working from the mountain's dimensions. The actual creation took a total of 6 years over a 20 year period of starts and stops related to funding. Definitely a case of measure twice, cut once (literally). He had to change his dreams for what the memorial would look like as they blasted based on the geology of the area, too. I don't often find myself at a lack for words, but in trying to describe Mount Rushmore and how affecting and awesome I think it was, I am.

  I traveled on through SD and then Wyoming. I was planning on stopping in Gilette, WY today, but got there pretty quickly, thanks to 75mph speed limits, so trekked on to Sheridan, WY, where Kaci and I are hanging our hats tonight.

 Tomorrow is Missoula, MT. I'd like to get farther, the West isn't the East Coast, for sure. I went 50 miles today without sighting a town or gas station, and I know from experience that the hotel situation between Missoula and Kellogg, ID is about the same. :)

 I can't believe I'm almost there!


  1. I am so glad you stopped at Mt. Rushmore. It sounds grand and has been moved up on our bucket list. Enjoy the memories from the Silver Valley tomorrow. Perhaps there will be a parade in CDA and you can practice "your wave." Have fun and enjoy! .... please note that I am figuring out this "blog thing" by being able to publish a comment :)

  2. I had a feeling you'd like Mt Rushmore. Mom thought that was the highlight of our National Parks trip. It's tough to compare the wonders of nature we saw in the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion, but it was certainly unforgettable!
