Monday, May 7, 2012

Glorious Ranier

I'm here! Though Friday was rainy and cold, Saturday, Sunday and Monday have been full of warm sun and truly breath-taking views of Ranier from my little corner of Tacoma, Washington. Every day since the sun came out and the clouds left, I've had these moments of forgetting where I am, driving along, intent on my chores (I need a curtain rod....and then a measuring cup...and a bookshelf...and oh yeah, food!), stuck in my little world inside my head, and then seemingly out of nowhere, Ranier appears on the horizon. Well, actually, Ranier becomes the horizon. She is so prominent and heart-stoppingly, breath-takingly gorgeous and massive that she is a constant reminder of the beauty of the Pacific Northwest to me. It's also a good reminder of how fragile life is. Ranier, for all her beauty and majesty, is an active volcano, and if she were to erupt, the area in which I live, Tacoma/Puyallup, would be covered in minutes with mudflows. So even as she is a reminder of the beauty of life, so is she a reminder of its fragility.

   Yesterday the lady I rent from took The Dog and me on a lovely hike that wasn't even 15 minutes from the house. We drove to Swann Creek and hiked up the creek and onto the creek bluffs for about two hours. It was sunny and pleasant and we had all four dogs with us. I had first decided not to go, because I had "so much to do" (please see "Katie Stuck In Her Little World" from previous paragraph). Then I remembered that I'd chosen to come to this place to do just that kind of thing- hike! With my dog! I am so glad I was able to go. My landlady is a really nice woman and it was kind of her to take The Dog and me along.

 I had orientation today for my job. It was a standard hospital orientation, and I have three more days and then one day off and then three night shifts in a row. Sigh. At least I have 4 days off after the three in a row! I'm feeling some trepidation about the night shifts, but I also felt trepidation about crossing the country myself, and that worked out well.

 I'm looking forward to another great run tomorrow about more orientation. Life is good!

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