Thursday, May 3, 2012

Battles, Tickets and Running...

Well, I like Missoula, Montana! I came in the midst of a little rain storm. By the time I had unpacked my Hotel Things into the hotel room (a suitcase, a backpack and my purse), the sun was shining on the mountains that surround the city and it was time for a run. The Dog and I ran for a half hour on their River Trail system and into the downtown area near the university, where I spied the Italian restaurant that I went to for dinner. It was a fabulous run, made even better by the INCREDIBLY courteous drivers! The first time, I was illegally crossing the street and TWO drivers stopped for me, which was a bit embarrassing but very nice. Toward the end of the run, I was waiting at a busy intersection that didn't have a light for the traffic to pass by. Instead, the traffic in both directions STOPPED and waited for The Dog and me to run across! Amazing!! I like this town!

 Today I stopped at the Little Bighorn Battlefield and stood on the hill that was Custer's Last Stand. As I stood there, feeling the wind sweep across my face as it traveled down the mountains into the river valley, I felt sad. We have such a great country, but I think that if I had been a Sioux or Arapaho, I also would've fought the invaders to maintain my way of life in a wild and beautiful land. The feeling of the battlefield was similar to what I'd felt at Normandy when I visited with my family. The sadness and loss felt by both the Native Americans and  the US soldiers was palpable. I was really glad to have stopped there, although I also have some kind of awkward pictures of me with a strange look on my seemed wrong to smile at the site of a battle, but it seemed weird not to too....hence the strange look. I'll post them after tomorrow's journey on Facebook and you can see what I mean. :) Nonetheless, it was a really powerful place and I'm so glad I was able to experience it.

  I got a ticket in Montana, too. Sigh. I considered using the "I'm a nurse," excuse, which I hear works, but the officer that pulled me over looked like my high school track coach, and I WAS speeding, so I just apologized and was polite. The Dog, snarling and growling in the passenger seat (she does NOT like when people come to the driver's side window- she also hates drive through attendants!), did not help matters. Luckily, the officer had a dog too, and apologized for startling her. The Dog has some kind of weird power over people! Anyway, the ticket was forty dollars, which has to be mailed in, and it was a good reminder to slow down.

 I'm discovering the joys of living out of my car, too. I left my razor in South Dakota two days ago, and stopped at a Safeway after dinner tonight to go pick up a new one, when I remembered I HAD a razor in my bathroom rolling cart for the new apartment! Voila! Problem solved! The same thing happened today when I needed my running gear, which I thought I'd packed in my Hotel Things bag, but it was in my very large duffel bag, so I just had to pull it out! It sure looks like a messy way to live, but it works! :)

 Well, that's all for today. Tomorrow I'm going to be in Seattle!  I can't believe it! I can't wait! Thanks for reading along on the trip!

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