Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Game of Thrones

On the drive out here, I listened to George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones, Book One. It made for excellent listening material on the drive. You know that feeling when you HAVE to know what happens next, and you don't care about real life until you DO know? That's how I felt at the end of the first book. Riding that reading/endorphin high, I went to the University Bookstore at UW to buy the next three books. Sigh. Even though they're nice to read, so far the second and third books, (just finished the third now) were just okay. I'm becoming less interested in his writing and enjoying the story and more determined just to KNOW what happens. So I'm not really reading the books anymore, just skimming so I know what happens in the plot. I feel a little like I'm cheating, because it feels like when you fast-forward through a movie just to see the end, but so be it. I am invested enough that I want to know what happens, but not enough to really read. The skimming is still more fulfilling than just reading a plot summary, though!

 Sigh. It's only 10:16pm right now. Tonight is my "flip night" to get ready for night shifts that start Friday. I don't know how much longer I'm going to make it! I'm tired! I want to sleep!  It's amusing that when I was a kid, all I wanted to do was stay up later, and now that I'm older, I just want to sleep. :)

 Life continues to go really well here in Washington! I have a lot of night shifts ahead of me, but then two days off to hike, run and hang out with friends.  Hooray for my Washington sojourn!


  1. I felt the same way about Game of Thrones. I am on the 4th book now, and it's got WAY too many battle scenes for my attention span. Since yours is shorter than mine, I'd say you're going to feel the same way. :) (but yeah, good plot)

    1. Oh, Jennybean, that is awesome!! I was at B and N today and debating about getting the fifth book, but worried that the character and plot development would take a backseat to the male-oriented battle scenes! I think I'll wait until the library gets it! Love you!
