Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ol' reliable runnin' endorphins

Today I really dragged my feet to go running.

First, I had to go to get blood drawn.

Then had to take The Dog to the vet.

Then I had to eat lunch.

Then, after I finally got my running clothes on, it started POURING. Not just sprinkling, or a little rain, but POURING.

So I watched a crap TV show on Bravo and did situps and pushups. Not because I love doing them and am dedicated, but because it was doing work that avoided going out in the sludge.

Then my roommate came home, and we talked.

Then I mentioned the word 'run,' and my two running dogs went NUTS, and I was forced to head out.

But first, I needed to get a hat. And my ID. And my iPod. By this time, the dogs were giving me a look of what I can only describe as consternation, mixed with a smidgen of betrayal, as in "I can't believe you'd wear those clothes, say that WORD, and then not go do it!"

So I posted on Facebook that I ran. That did it.

And I had the most TREMENDOUS run. My legs felt loose and strong, my breathing was good, the dogs didn't tug too much, and the rain was heavenly (literally). It felt like I could've gone forever. I passed other runners, who were also smiling with the joy of the rain and the evening and being healthy enough to run. I was listening to my favorite running music, and my stresses melted away with the raindrops. There is nothing like a good run, nothing!

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