Thursday, October 17, 2013


I got a new job, and as with most new things, I've been more tired than usual. But I'm starting to regain my normally high level of energy, so I'm trying to get back into making activity (running, biking, etc) my default, as opposed to inactivity (sitting in the bath and reading- which I still do, just not til I've done something active).

 I biked to work yesterday. I left at 6:20am, when it was pitch black outside. I'd forgotten how much more I feel a part of my surroundings when I'm biking or running, and how much more I notice of my environment, when I'm not tuning in to a phone call or the radio. I noticed the coldness in the air, and how the lights on other biker's bikes and helmets, passing me in the blackout, looked kind of like alien landing ships from ET. I noticed the jingle of a dog's collar (replete with flashing light) as it passed with it's owner.

 On the way home as night fell, I road more slowly. I was tired from a long day at work, and it was pleasant to zone out and look at the leaves, trees and darkening skies. Normally I despise being passed by other cyclists, but this time, it was pleasant for me to meander my 8 miles home. My favorite part of the ride was being startled by a long-haired orange cat perched on a mile marker at a crossing of the trail and a street.

 Today, The Dog and I did a recovery run in the cool Seattle day. A priest (Catholic? Episcopal?) sailed by on his commuter bike, still dressed in robes for services, and a wooden rosary hanging from his left side. Later down the trail, The Dog and I made friends with an old Bernese mountain dog, who initially barked up a storm, but didn't protest when The Dog sniffed and I pet her. I led her back to her house (I'd seen her on other runs and knew where she lived) and we carried on.

 Sometimes, it is easier to just be tired. But every time I've put the effort in to get out and be active, I've been rewarded with the little glimpses of life that it are sometimes all too easy to miss. I'm getting "better-stronger-fitter-faster," my mantra when it is rough going, but more than that, I feel at peace and connected to my world. Life is good. 

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