Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ol' reliable runnin' endorphins

Today I really dragged my feet to go running.

First, I had to go to get blood drawn.

Then had to take The Dog to the vet.

Then I had to eat lunch.

Then, after I finally got my running clothes on, it started POURING. Not just sprinkling, or a little rain, but POURING.

So I watched a crap TV show on Bravo and did situps and pushups. Not because I love doing them and am dedicated, but because it was doing work that avoided going out in the sludge.

Then my roommate came home, and we talked.

Then I mentioned the word 'run,' and my two running dogs went NUTS, and I was forced to head out.

But first, I needed to get a hat. And my ID. And my iPod. By this time, the dogs were giving me a look of what I can only describe as consternation, mixed with a smidgen of betrayal, as in "I can't believe you'd wear those clothes, say that WORD, and then not go do it!"

So I posted on Facebook that I ran. That did it.

And I had the most TREMENDOUS run. My legs felt loose and strong, my breathing was good, the dogs didn't tug too much, and the rain was heavenly (literally). It felt like I could've gone forever. I passed other runners, who were also smiling with the joy of the rain and the evening and being healthy enough to run. I was listening to my favorite running music, and my stresses melted away with the raindrops. There is nothing like a good run, nothing!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I'm grateful when someone says, "Hey, K, are you in triage today?" and I say yes, they smile and say, "Could you come now?"

I'm grateful that when I'm out with a lovely coworker who asks when I'm working next, and I name a day he is working, he smiles and pumps his fist.

I'm grateful that there is a back way from Safeway to my house, so I can avoid the traffic brought on by the upscale shopping village near my home.

I'm grateful to my grandfather, who told me, "Fat tastes good!" when I'm eating a steak, without the fat cut off.

I'm grateful I can run.

I'm grateful for my dog, who comes and sits near me when I'm sad, and bounds and jumps for joy when I'm happy.

I'm grateful that I talk to my brothers regularly, and that we matter to each other unabashedly, that our childhood made us close rather than distant as the years progress.

I'm happy to have been there the first time my brother felt his child move in his wife's belly, and to witness his joy and wonder.

I'm happy for my friends at work, from school, and from all the various places I've lived.

I'm grateful for my parents, who have given my my foundation of strength, intelligence and love.

I hear affirmations all the time, and usually find them forced, but these are mine, and I am glad I can put fingers to keyboard today to type them.