Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dating Seattle

No, that wasn't a misprinted title- not Dating IN Seattle, or Dating: Seattle, just dating Seattle, as in, my rekindled love for this awesome place.

 So about three weeks ago, I decided I wanted to go on some dates. Now, I'm a reasonably attractive woman with my own job, car and condo (albeit on the other coast), but I work in an ER. Which, for those of you familiar with Gray's Anatomy, bears very little, if any, resemblance to the TV show. Yes, there are adorable interns, but they are on average, 6 years younger than me, and in a very different "life place." And there are cute attendings, but by and large, the cute ones are married and unavailable. My patients are all, well, VERY SICK, and uniformly old. So, that leaves me NOT LIKELY to find love (or even a date!) at work.

 Therefore, I decided to join A Reputable Dating Website, because I'd had some friends and family members that have had luck with online dating, and I've met a few boyfriends that way. So I decided, well, I'm in a new city, I'm happy with where I am, so maybe I'll meet some guys, go on some dates, seems like a good idea!

 Basically, it has ended before it really begun. I'd met a very nice guy, an engineer (not really, but I'm changing his occupation for safety's sake, just in case there are people outside my family that ready this blog, which is unlikely, but still!), and made plans to meet up with him. But then last week, my roommate asked if I wanted to go to quiz nightr (which I did), so I canceled the date with the guy and rescheduled for this Friday. ....Buuut this Friday, it turns out there is a hash run, and I REALLY want to get into hashing here, and I wouldn't be able to both do the hash run and the I canceled the date. Again. Obviously it wasn't him, it was me, especially as I haven't MET him.

 So I decided I'm going to just date Seattle for a while, and see what happens. I am still so excited to live here, and to meet people that also live here, and to have fun in this city. If I meet someone to hang out with while dating Seattle, great. And if not, I can always go online again. :)

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