Tuesday, December 13, 2011

More musings.....

It's been a while since I posted, so please excuse the delay. It has been a busy time, with world travel, lots of eating, the new job, and a new relationship. That said, there are a few things that I've been ruminating on today. Actually, to be honest, I've been ruminating on them for a few days, and even posted some of my thoughts to Facebook, but I feel like this blogging thing is much like running- you have to get in- and back in- the habit, so while I'm not particularly inspired today, I want to get a post in so that I get started in my writing habit again. So anyhoo, without further adieu:

Things I know Because I Run, that I thought about during today's run (or, the run on December 8th, if anyone's counting!:)

1. I really am always only one run away from a good mood.
2. I have never regretted deciding to go for a run.
3. I have an inner thug, and when I run, my music choices let me express this.
3a. I love running to Missy Elliot. I think she and I could have a really fun time if we ran together!
4. I may not be the prettiest, the smartest, the wealthiest, the fastest or even the fittest, but when I run, I'm definitely the happiest.

Secondly, watching my cousin get married this weekend was an intensely emotional experience for me, in a
really good way. She has been through an experience that would fell most people, which isn't mine to share
on this blog, and not only came through the other side, but came through intact. She's earned the love of a very special man, and has a world of possibilities awaiting her. To see her journey over the past two years has been a privilege, and it was one of the great honors of my life to participate in her wedding on Saturday. In addition to being a truly special experience for the aforementioned reasons (murky and nebulous as I do NOT describe them!) it was also in a gorgeous part of the world to which I'd not have traveled without a reason, being the cheapskate that I am. So thank you, my cousin, for memories that will last a lifetime. It's a joy and an honor to be your cousin and truly a triumph of the human spirit to see what you've become.

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