Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

As I sit at the Bayhouse, looking at the Chesapeake Bay in her wintry glory, coffee in hand and nasty cold in the head, at the end of 2011, I ruminate over the ways in which my life have changed this year. I have a new home, a new job, and a new romance. I still love nursing, running, family and friends, and books (not necessarily in that order, mind you). I've discovered a well of strength within myself this year, and am proud to be who I am. Life is very sweet for me. As an ER nurse, I know all too well that life can change in an instant, which makes me even more aware of how lucky I am in this life right now.

I hope for all my family and friends the same warmth and contentment, and more good things rolling from those which have come so far. Merry Christmas!

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