Monday, February 4, 2013

I went "home" to the East coast last week. It was awesome to seem Mom and Dad and also some really amazing friends. Absence does make the heart grow fonder, and seeing my friends- and also, my mom and dad interacting with my friends- made me realize how lucky in life I've been. No, I don't have a boyfriend/husband/significant other. Nor do I have babies. Both of which I totally thought I'd have by now. But I have these amazing people in my life, whom I really don't know if I'd have had time to forge relationships with if I DID have those other things. Good thing to remember.

 But then, because of a stupid burn (or a few, but whatever), I've been out of my job for a week, and have to be out for another week, which is super irritating. Actually, not even irritating, but depressing. I like my job, I like my friends at work, and I'm sad not to be able to BE THERE right now. Argh.

 Anyway, just some thoughts.

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