Monday, July 9, 2012

Yoga + Spicy Indian Food = No Good

It's been a rough week for me professionally. My contract is ending, I have lots of irons in the fire, but no "definites" right now, which is scary. I've been relying on my amazing family and a good friend to talk through this whole situation with, but what I've realized that this is really the effects of several stressors (working nights, not living as close to my good friends as I'd hoped, being super sick for a week and a half, not sleeping well, eating too well, and not working out. So yesterday, in the depths of despair, and thanks to said Good Friend, I went for a run, which made me feel better. Then, again on the advice of Good Friend, I took it easy- read my book, went to see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" and then, inspired by that move, to a nice Indian restaurant in Tacoma. The food was a little spicier than I was anticipating, so I had more than half boxed up and decided I'd eat it over the next few days. This morning, I didn't feel like breakfast food (as usual. Why have cereal when you can have a hearty meal??), so I popped the leftovers in the microwave and went to town. Well, sort of. It was still spicy, but I persevered!

 A few hours later, I went to my first hot yoga class in a few years. And it was HORRIBLE. It was HOT, I was pouring sweat, I was practically passing out during some of the poses and the Indian food kept wanting to make a reappearance in the middle of class. SO GROSS. So here is what I learned about hot yoga:
1. It is hot. REALLY HOT. 
2. DO NOT place your mat ALL THE WAY across the studio from the only door (i.e. airsource). You will not get the refreshing cool breezes when the drill sergeant I mean yoga instructor deigns to open the door. At all. You will instead stare longingly at the door, but be unable to move your exhausted muscles.
3. Regard their "What To Bring" lightly. Bring water with gatorade, and MORE THAN ONE TOWEL. You will need it.

It was an awful hour. But at the end (after I'd determined I wasn't going to pass out or vomit or otherwise embarrass myself), I did feel better. So I will be back. You may have won the battle, Hot Yoga, but I'll be back to win the war. 

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